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Report the use of knives and weapons

Knives and guns are offensive weapons and it is illegal to carry, sell, hire or make them available to another person.

When reporting the use of knives or weapons, try to provide the suspect’s:

  • name
  • address
  • age
  • number plate, if a vehicle is involved

If you have the information, tell us where the suspect is concealing the knife or weapon.

You can report someone who frequently carries an offensive weapon, such as a knife:

Immediate danger

Call 999 immediately if there is an ongoing incident involving a weapon.

Surrender a knife or offensive weapon

Under the Offensive Weapons Act, it is unlawful to possess certain offensive weapons. This includes, but is not limited to, rapid firing rifles and specific types of knives, such as flick knives and zombie knives.

When surrendering a knife or offensive weapon:

  • make sure items are wrapped in something such as a towel and carried in a bag to prevent injury
  • consider going in daylight and during office hours when sites are staffed
  • make a specific journey rather than carry an item for longer than necessary
  • check opening hours before taking any large items such as swords, as these will not fit into the surrender bins
Surrender a firearm
Surrender a knife

Unwanted knives can be disposed of safely in one of our surrender bins, which are permanently located outside the following police sites:

Permanent knife surrender bins are also located at:

  • Brunswick Square, York Street, St Paul’s, Bristol
  • Castle Park, Bristol City Centre (near the church grounds, opposite the entrance to The Galleries)
  • Stapleton Road, Bristol (underneath the train station bridge)
  • The Park Centre, Daventry Road, Knowle, Bristol, BS4 1DQ

Bleed kits

Emergency bleed kits are located across Avon and Somerset in the event of someone suffering a catastrophic bleed.

Members of the public, business owners, councils or community groups can purchase bleed kits to be installed for emergency use in their local area.

They are designed to be easy-to-use and instantly accessible by members of the public and bystanders to help before an ambulance arrives on scene.

In a medical emergency, always dial 999 first and ask for an ambulance.

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